Sunday 15 April 2012

Raye Douglas 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When filming our final product we used a handheld sony camera, a tripod and tracks to film our piece. We used tracking to shoot the shots of Immad as the janitor walking down the corridor, the camera to film all shots and the tripod for the tricky bit of filming when shooting Grace, this allowed us to keep a steady shot and make the camera on a downward tilt to portray Graces' character as timid and weak.
Blogger was a website that made a huge impact on the making of our film, whenever we watched openings for thriller films we thought could influence us in our idea we documented on our blog so we could refer back to them when stuck for ideas or in need of inspiration. 

In school we used the application iMovie on an iMac to create our film, i feel this technology made it a lot easier for us to make a movie montage for our opening, we had used the software once previously to make a tester film which is placed on our blog before editing our film. I learnt a lot when editing, for example how to cut clips, how to crop images such as our production company logo to fit the screen and how to allocate our shots at certain points to create a flow of continuity, for example one of Graces' dance move flowed to show her opening the title of her name. 

Facebook was a technology that we used to promote our film and reach our audience. We made a Facebook page for our film giving film shots and information about our film to search who would like the page and who would like the film the most. If our film was actually being sold and distributed we felt this was brilliant practice for promotion for our film as 175 million people use Facebook everyday, we also felt this was the appropriate network site as our target audience was 15-30 year olds. 

YouTube was a key piece of technology we used for our final product. When choosing the soundtrack to our finished product i felt the best place for us to look on youtube for openings of thriller films we felt would help us decide on what kind of music we wanted, we looked at films such as black swan, prom night, silence of the lambs, the hand that rocks the cradle and the dark night. After looking at these films we continued to use youtube to search for songs without copyright that we felt were appororiate for our idea, when then looked on the 'DylansMusic' page where we found many thrilling, dramatic, mysterious and orchestral music where we chose to take a song 'Dylan' had made for our film. 
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