Sunday 15 April 2012

Raye Douglas 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our Production company is called 'FoxLight Productions'. We thought of the idea when we changed 'FoxSearchlight Productions'. A production company is responsible for hiring all the people in the film, they make sure everything is on task, the budget is always stable and ultimately take responsibility for the whole thing. A production company is the business that shepherds movies through           
completion from start to finish. They are the bosses of the film which is why they are mostly the first thing you see at the start of a movie- like ours. 
I feel the best distribution company to sell our final product would be FoxSearchLight Productions. They are an independent film distribution company who have distributed films such as 'The Full Monty' 'Slumdog Millionaire' '500 Days Of Summer' 'Whip It' and most recent 'Crazy Heart'. I feel they would be the best distributor as they have a lot of money in their company so would be able to have the funding and also have distributed many main stream films resulting in making our one popular. They are also a company people can trust as they have been around since 1994 therefore people would feel safe buying from them. 

As we are an independent company we would have to get our funding from somewhere we could trust and who would also give us enough money to fund the film. I feel the best place to ask would be 'The National Lottery'. They recently funded a film called 'Tony' a film about a serial killer. I feel our film would be quite similar to 'Tony' so it would be a good idea to use them for funding. 

In our finished product the titels started with the production company, then the distribution company we made ourselves 'A FOURMINDED FILM' we then had a montage of the titles starting with the director, then produced by then edited, then music composed by  then 3 actors, then the title. 
I feel the biggest similarity to our films opening is 'Black Swan' and 'Prom Night'.

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