Sunday 15 April 2012

Raye Douglas 7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Long before making our final product we were given a preliminary task to complete. This allowed us to practice filming and editing to get the hand of the camera and iMovie. I got the hang of editing using the apple macs quite quickly. We used a similar shot in the prelim task to our final - we filmed a shot of Hufans' feet in the prelim and Graces feet in the final, this shows that the practice with the preliminary task influenced us for our final product.

Using iMovie in the preliminary task i feel was the biggest help when it came to our final opening film as it made editing fast and easy and our title sequence easy to pick up from the practice, during our prelim we experimented with different shots such as wide shots, tilts, over the shoulder shots and learning about the 180 degree rule. I learnt that when filming a conversation between two people you use over the shoulder shots meaning when you film one person you have the other persons shoulder in the shot. Shot reverse shot is a method in film making used when one person is filmed looking at something or someone and the next shot is then the person or thing they are looking at, this creates continuity and lets the audience understand what the other person is looking at. I learnt that the 180 degree rule was to be used in a conversation between two people opposite each other where an imaginary line called the axis connects the characters, by keeping the camera on one side of the axis connects the characters so the frame makes sense, if the camera crosses the line this is called jumping the line. Here is an example of me using over the shoulder shots in my prelim task....

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