Tuesday 10 January 2012


Here we have a distance shot- Hitchcock used this in many of his films. The shot then leads to a major close up the building in the centre and there is a close up shot of a window in the building smashing which takes us straight to the action. I think this is really clever as you are directed from a distance shot to a close up and introduced to the story line straight away.
This is the next shot which is a close up of Heath Ledger playing the Joker. He is standing in the middle of the shot making him the centre focus. We are drawn to him as he looks mysterious as his back is to the camera and we can’t quite see what he’s holding. I really liked this shot and thought it was interesting.I was drawn to finding out who it was.

We are then taken to a slow zoom close up of what the man is holding we can see it is a mask- this is scary, mysterious and creepy. When we are taken right to the mask we can see it’s a clown mask- clowns are mostly put into the category of phobias, a common fear is clowns suggesting that this person is someone to fear.

This shot is taken about a minute into the film when two people are zip wiring from one building to the other. This is a bird’s eye view of a distance shot. I think this shot is incredible and really interesting.

Instead of having titles there is simply the batman sign shining through a cloud of smoke. I think this is a brilliant way of showing the title as batman is so well known they can get away with only showing the symbol. This batman sign is also shown as a light in the sky during the film and is interesting that it connects.

This is a close up of two of the robbers in the scene. This is quite an intimidating shot as they are wearing masks to hide their identities, possibly showing people have something to be afraid of. I also like the way the people have been placed in the shot, we get a close up on one of the guys faces and the other is slightly out of focus, this brings our attention to
the guy in front to distract us from the man benhind.

Here we have another close up. This is of a man holding a bomb, this brings the audiences attention away from everyone else to notice what has just been placed in his hand, the fact that we can see nothing else in the shot makes the situation more alarming.

Here we have a man standing in the centre of the shot holding a gun. The fact he is in the middle makes him the central focus and more important to the audience, the light shining through the windows gives him a creepy shadow giving him a mysterious glow that could represent his character.

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