Saturday 7 January 2012


Eagle - American, bird of prey, power, deadly, agility, lofty spirit, symbol born by men of action, symbolises ingenuity (Inventive skill or imagination; cleverness) The bird represents Cady, who is free from prison to seek revenge. Music begins; suspenseful, slow, eerie 

Water has specific symbolic significance for Christians to them it represent cleansing or purity; foreshadowing Cady’s faith as he longs for retribution/ revenge. The water could also represent danger (drowning) it foreshadows the death of Max Cady and the epic boat scenario toward the end of the movie.The music gradually becomes louder, more compelling, more threatening as the title "Cape Fear" appears, suggesting Cape Fear is a significant source of destruction

Spooky face, not being able to completely see the face creates suspense and mystery. The spooky laughing man is enigmatic and the fact he is laughing makes him all the more intimidating as he comes across as possibly insane. The viewer is forced to question, who the man is and what he finds amusing. The angle of the water rotates and becomes more rapid, this altering of the shot is unconventional and conveys themes of chaos and  abnormality

The water produces a blurry effect. The black decent could represent death, violence, mystery; it looks quite like a tunnel representing a journey or struggle. The blood is an evident foreshadowing of the brutal violence to come (suspenseful) 

The black and red deliberately combined to symbolise themes fitting the general Thriller conventions Droplet could symbolise “the ripple effect” one small thing influencing a magnitude of significant events (Sam Bowden not revelling information which could have saved Cady from prison lead to gradual torment, to horrific, fatal events) The red water, representing death at sea (Foreshadowing Cady's death) The red water consuming/concealing the blue water showing a corruption of purity/goodness 

Shadow is enigmatic
Suspense, fear, mystery 

The hand is prominent in this shot. The hand denotes a pledge of faith and also symbolises justice, justice being a key concept of “Cape Fear”  (Cady has the Holy Cross, and “Justice” tattoo into his back image11)

The music settles as we are introduced to a female narrator. This shot has been edited red (representing blood) and also has been altered in a negative setting; unconventional, unusual, ghostly

Eyes are engaging and represent omniscience, in this part of the movie the girl is speaking directly to the audience (there is a story to tell) she holds the information 

The girl is placed centre of the shot indicating her importance
She is wearing a white blouse, the white is significant as is contrast with the hefty violent colours prior to this moment suggesting the girl could be a victim of the toil. Also white represents purity and innocence, and honesty
She is showing no flesh indicating further highlighting her purity that is soon to be challenged as Cady constantly tries to corrupt her 

This is a descending panning shot. The images on the wall show that Cady has aspirations, something to live for. Infamous dictations like Stalin as motivation; showing Cady's twisted mind and distorted view of the world.

Cady is working out; conveying determination and indicating he has violent intentions. The tattoo of the Crucifix and scales is an early indication to Cady's intentions. Justice and Truth (key themes of the movie) this hint at redemption creates tension and suspence 

Bars/Jail cell - Isolation. We are introduced to our villain. Covered in tattoos sign of rebellion, creativity and aspirations

People starring at him putting at the centre of attention highlighting the fact he is a main character, also the gaurds surrounding him convey this

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